Special General Meeting Wed 16 Jan

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    • #15491 Reply

      Happy new year.

      Hope to see you all at the Special General Meeting this Wednesday night, 8pm in the Clubrooms.

      Purpose = vote on some amendments to the Constitution designed to make running the Club easier. (News to you? browse the website).

      Also keen to get any ideas people have for making the Club run better. We are looking for someone to take on the role of Social Convenor, or for people to help out on Wednesday nights. We need a Chief Guide to take over at the next AGM in April. Could do with a new President as well to replace the old, grumpy one currently in residence.

      General Meeting will be preceded by tea and biscuits and you can return or take out gear as usual. Trip to the Hop Garden after the meeting if anyone is so inclined.

      See you on the 16th.

    • #18663 Reply

      Presumably you mean January, not February – i.e. next week

    • #18664 Reply

      She did, Pedant – I’ve used my admin powers to fix it :-)

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