Spring schedule planning

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    • #15061 Reply

      It’s time to start thinking about our spring schedule – which runs from September to the end of January. This time, we’re going to do the planning slightly differently.

      In June, we’re looking for ideas of road ends. You don’t have to specify the trip, just a road end that you think it would be inspiring for the club to visit.

      By the end of June, we will have the skeleton of the spring schedule complete – with road ends against each date.

      On Wednesday 7 July, we’re going to have a trip planning meeting from 5.30pm onwards before club, at the club rooms. There will be free pizza! The purpose of this gathering will be to plan trips for each of the road ends – people will break into small groups, pick a road end or two, and come up with a selection of diffent graded trips. There will be resources there on the night to help (books, maps, the club’s trip database on a couple of laptops – plus any other resources you can bring).

      How can you get involved?
      *Email your ideas of roadends to by the end of June
      *Put 7 July in your diary – or if you can’t come in person, there will be opportunities to pick a road end and participate by email, just let me know.

      Please put your thinking caps on so that we can have an exciting, diverse spring schedule!


    • #18329 Reply

      Don’t forget to email me your ideas of road ends for the Spring schedule by the end of this month! Thanks to those who have already get in touch.


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