Spring schedule planning

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      It’s time to start thinking about our spring schedule – which runs from September to January.

      Between now and the end of July, we need ideas of road ends. You don’t have to specify the trip, just a road end that you think it would be good for the club to visit (eg Tararua – Holdsworth Rd; Ruahines – Rangiwahia). This is your chance to shape the schedule and go where you want (esp if you want to go somewhere other than the Tararuas and Ruahines)! Day walk ideas are particularly welcome. Please email your suggestions to

      Once we’ve got your ideas, we’ll shape them into a skeleton schedule with dates and road ends against them. Then on Wednesday 3 August, we’re going to have a trip planning meeting from 5.30pm onwards before club, at the club rooms. There will be free pizza! The purpose of this gathering will be to plan trips for each of the road ends – people will break into small groups, pick a road end or two, and come up with a selection of diffent graded trips. There will be resources there on the night to help (books, lots of maps, the club’s trip database on a couple of laptops – plus also please bring your own books, maps etc).

      This is your chance to have your say on where our trips go and have some inspiring spring/early summer trips to look forward to!

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