Spring schedule planning

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      It’s time to turn your thoughts from the windy/snowy weather of Winter to the windy/snowy (but with more daylight!) weather of Spring and beyond.

      The Spring schedule runs from the start of September to Anniversary Weekend at the end of January.

      We are going to hold the planning night for the Spring schedule at the clubrooms on Wednesday 11 July, from 5.45pm. Please put it in your diary now!

      What I need from you now is ideas of road ends. For example, you might be thinking it’d be nice to go a trip to the Hikurangi Range in the Ruahines – so you would email me Purity Road end (and you could include more details if you wished but you don’t need to). Or you might have a desire to visit North Ohau hut – so you would email Ohau/Poads road. Or you might think that we go to the Tararuas and Ruahines too often, so suggest somewhere else!

      Once I get your road end ideas, Richard and I will put them into a draft skeleton schedule, so that when you come along on 11 July, each weekend will have a road end against it and we can use that night to plan trips for each road end.

      So please email me your suggestions to by Saturday 7 July. This is your chance to pick where we go, don’t miss out!

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