Stories Page – feedback wanted

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    • #14934 Reply

      Hi Folks,

      I have been having a bit of a play at seeing how a stories/trip reports page might look. A stories page was something that was suggested might be a good addition to the web-site.

      You can have a look at what I have tested here: Stories

      The content is old (like its author :-)) but I thought would be good for testing with.

      If you have any feedback, let me know.


      P.S. Ivory lake is a great place – just don’t try and get there via Dickie Spur!

    • #18232 Reply

      > The content is old (like its author :-))

      Geriatric, mate.

      Shane, I don’t know whether it’s what you intended, but for me the story opens inside a separate frame (is that the right word? i.e. a smaller internal region with its own menu items on the left and scroll bar on the right, inside the larger main page with its menu items and scroll bar), and personally I don’t particularly like that arrangement – I think it’s confusing and makes the page look cluttered and awkward to scroll down. – Harry

    • #18233 Reply

      though presumably that’s just because it’s currrently being called from inside the Forum and wouldn’t be the case with the final version. Duh!

    • #18234 Reply

      Yes, I hadn’t noticed it but the nested frame is an artifact of the way that the forum is working ( in-line frame).
      If you go to the main menu and click on stories it is rendered as it is intended.

      Another reminder for me to sort out the forum!


      harry Wrote:

      > > The content is old (like its author :-))
      > Geriatric, mate.
      > Shane, I don’t know whether it’s what you
      > intended, but for me the story opens inside a
      > separate frame (is that the right word? i.e. a
      > smaller internal region with its own menu items on
      > the left and scroll bar on the right, inside the
      > larger main page with its menu items and scroll
      > bar), and personally I don’t particularly like
      > that arrangement – I think it’s confusing and
      > makes the page look cluttered and awkward to
      > scroll down. – Harry

    • #18235 Reply

      Now fixed the inline frame issue…just need to sort out the tweak to get the menu css matching in the forum template.


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