Sumbissions for easier wind generation in the Tararuas/Ruahines

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    • #14680 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      If you’re not already aware of it, you might be interested to know that several energy companies have all recently applied to relax the consent process for building more wind farms around the Tararua and Ruahine ranges.

      Genesis, Trustpower, Meridian and Mighty River have all made independent submissions to the Tararua Council, wanting to prioritise the construction of more wind farms and loosen the restrictions/guidelines in the existing plan with respect to building them. Notably, Trustpower wants wording cut from the plan which protects the skyline of the Tararua Ranges, Ruahine Ranges, Puketoi Ranges and the Manawatu Gorge.

      Summaries of the submissions are supposedly available on the Tararua District Council’s website at although their website is broken for me at the moment so I can’t check it out properly. Maybe they’ll have fixed it by Monday. Meanwhile there’s some unofficial information (combined with thoughts) at , produced by a chap who spends a lot of time in the Ruahines, or an article from the DomPost last Tuesday at .

      Apparently comments/objections on the submissions will be accepted until 3rd October.

    • #18048 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      Just as a follow-up to this, the Tararua District Council website seems to be back up again.

      A summary of submissions (or a complete scan of all submissions) is available from the following specific link on their website: for anyone who’s interested in browsing through them — comments on submissions are being accepted until Friday October 3rd.

      The proposed district plan on which they’re all commenting is downloadable from


    • #18049 Reply

      Could you all please sign this petitions…goal of 1,000


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