Summer trip schedule NEEDS YOU

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      Are you up for leading a trip?
      There are still some slots available in the draft Summer Schedule especially:
      – the first weekend in Feb, only problem will be the amount of sunscreen you’ll have to carry
      – daywalks around Welly – only problem will be that you’ll be tempted to stop at the pub for a cold beer on the way home

      Don’t fancy any of the vacant slots? no problem we are happy to accommodate your best suggestions for other trips the only limit is your imagination and the deadline – Amanda needs to finalise the schedule over the NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS for publishing.

      Summer is ta great time to lead trips:
      – best weather
      – lots of new, keen people to impress
      – Xmas flab to work off
      – if you stay at home you’ll have to do household tasks
      – when someone tries to shoulder tap you for the Committee or to hand out Club gear you can say you are already performing a very important role for the Club

      you can also dob in a friend

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