Survey request

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    • #13717 Reply

      We’ve had a request to assist a group of students doing an international survey comparing the motivating factors for trampers/hikers.

      I’ve placed the instructions are here:

      and the questionaire form here

      It shouldn’t take too long to complete and would be a good thing to support.


    • #17405 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Agree!…Would help us target our promotions…..tho I always thought the picture of our beloved Glynne was a motivating factor in pulling people in, or Harry’s comments on “come tramp the Taraura’s”..perhaps we ve got it all wrong and should be selling the imagery of doing it tough, hard, rough and feeling the sting of ongaonga against your legs, and the buzz is all about sitting in a humming long drop with a great view?
      Most people do say when they hear about our glorious weekends in smelly clothing and heaving heavy packs up hills in rain do ask “why”?
      If you have their details can we request that we were happy to provide a link to supporth their research and we are interested in recieivng a copy of their report…would make interesting reading and may help us targeting new members?
      Cheers Lee-Ann- Promotions

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