Tararua Main Range

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    • #15162 Reply

      Hi. Anyone free for a longish tramp in the Tararuas, starting on the 13th? (Yes, that’s a Monday…). I’d like to do the high tops, starting at Putara and finishing at Kaitoke, i.e. Putara – Dundas – Girdlestone – Holdsworth – Aokaparangi – Hector – Alpha – Kaitoke via Quoin ridge, with possible side trips to Carkeek hut, Mitre, Mt Crawford and Cattle ridge… depending on how much time you have. Failing that we could get a bus to Levin, then taxi to Ohau and do a loop of as many tops as possible in a week or so. There’s mobile phone coverage at that roadend so getting out’s just a matter of calling a taxi.

    • #18389 Reply

      About the title: if you’d prefer to “just” do the main range, I’d be up for giving that a go in two – five days, depending on how fast you want to move…

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