Tararua Ranges Possum Control Operation

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      John Hoffeins

      The Club has received a letter from the Greater Wellington Regional Council advising details of a possum control operation that will shortly be commenced. A summary of what is advised is set out below:

      The operation includes approximately 11,300 hectares of the Tararua Ranges and adjoining farmland. The northern boundry is the Waingawa River. The western boundry is approximately 3-4 km within the Tararua Ranges and includes Pinnacle Ridge. It follows a south westerly course at the junction of the Mountain House and Totara Flats track. It then includes the Carrington Creek Catchment maintaining its course on a south westerly direction along the main ridge and includes the following high points-Waiohine, Reeves and Tauherenikau.The Tauherenikau River is the operational southern boundry.

      Application of prefeed baits is likely to commence from 7 July onwards. The application of 1080 baits will commence from 21 July onwards, after the school holidays have been completed. It is envisaged the operation will be completed within two days if suitable weather conditions prevail.

      Bait to be Used
      Green dyed cereal pellet bait containing 1080 poisen will be used. Baits weigh approximately 10 grams and are 20mm in diameter. They will be distributed at the rate of 1.5kg per hectare. The application of 1080 baits will be preceded with an application of non-toxic prefeed baits. These prefeed baits look similar to 1080 baits except they are light tan in colour.

      Parts of the operational area (approximately 90 hectares) will be treated with feratox (cyanide) baits in paper or plastic bait bags. These areas adjoin the Atiwhakatu and Waihine streams where tracks will be avoided with areal 1080 pellets.

      Public Warnings
      Public warning notices will be placed at all main access points where pestercidesd are applied and information boards will be placed at public areas. The public are advised to keep children and pets (especially dogs) away from the area. Possum carcasses poisoned by 1080 pose a danger to dogs until the fleshy parts have completely broken down.

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