Tararua Trip

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    • #13631 Reply
      Ray Walker

      Hi folks,

      I?ll be leading a club trip into the northern Tararuas over the weekend 28 ? 30 November.

      The plan is to camp at or near the Putara road end on the Friday night, walk to Roaring Stage Lodge the following morning (we?ll probably have lunch here), then set off up the Ruapae stream. I understand there are some good camping spots up there. So it is likely that we will camp out in that vicinity on the Saturday night. The intended route for Sunday is to carry on further up the stream and then climb up on to the ridge adjacent to Herepai Hut, and then follow the track back to the road end.

      If the weather becomes dodgy, we?ll probably stay at Roaring Stage Lodge.

      The trip is listed as an easy-medium, but as there will be some river travel, and possibly some ?bush-bashing?, it may not be suitable for novices.

      If you want to know anything else about this trip, please feel free to ring me on 232-9974. If you want to take part in this trip, put your details on the trip list on Wednesday night.

      Ray Walker

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