Temporary vacancy for Transport Officer

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    • #15122 Reply
      Gareth Morton

      Hi all,

      It is just 4 weeks until I fly to Phuket for my wedding, and subsequent honeymoon in the South Island.

      What this means is that the club will be without a Transport Officer for 6 weeks from 29OCT until my return on 12DEC. I will deal with the arrangements up to and including Labour Weekend 22-25OCT, but someone will then need to take over for the rest of the year; the final weekend on the schedule is 17-19DEC (day walks only so no transport needs). I will then resume for the new year trips which is 21JAN according to latest schedule. There could be requests to use the vans over Xmas/NY if anyone from club is planning on any club/private trips.

      Main duty of course is to collect trip numbers each week and allocate our 2 vans accordingly and book a rental van if required. There is one weekend where ferry bookings will need to be made also.

      If you are keen to help with the running of the club this is a great short-term opportunity. I will give a full de-brief of the procedures involved to whomever wants to help. If you are keen then please let me know either via or at club night.



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