The Goat (4 Dec)

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    • #15125 Reply

      The Goat is a mountain run between Whakapapa and Ohakune. It features on the Spring/Summer trip schedule with my name beside it. If you did not know that then relax, you do not need to read any further.

      If the Goat is on your radar take a deep breath and read on.

      If you have registered to run The Goat on 4 Dec or are intending to come along as a supporter and want to stay at the Club Lodge and be part of the Club “team” then please let me know asap so I can liaise with the Lodge booking officer and save you a spot.

      If you intend to take a car and have space for others or a supporter prepared to shuttle people between the start/finish of the race it would be good to know that as well. I may co-ordinate transport (we may be able to leverage off the Lodge based Club tramping trips running the same weekend) or maybe even hire a van if there are lots of us but no promises at this stage. You can pay extra and use the event organisers transport. I have not done that, but may pre register for their buses closer to the event if I dont have a better offer.

      So I need to know 4 things:
      1. do you want to stay at the Club Lodge (if yes, are you a member or non member, race participant or supporter?)
      2. are you planning to take a car and if so do you have room for others ?
      3. when do you want to head up to the mountain? Thurs nite, Friday morning or after work on Friday?
      4. are you interested in being on an informal group email list so you can get in touch with others for moral support, discussions on training, food, lycra outfits etc?

    • #18367 Reply
      Mika and Hans

      Hi Sharon,
      Regarding the transport we just like to add that we are leading a lodge-based cycle trip that same weekend. Might be an option to share the van if people are keen to head up on Friday eve after work?

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