Tongariro Crossing

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      Boffa Miskell are undertaking research into “Establishing Use Limits on the Tongariro Crossing” and are seeking feedback from anyone who has walked the crossing in the last five years.

      To quote their letter:
      “The purpose of the Tongariro Crossing research project is to research visitor experiences on the crossing, and identify any means of determining potential use limits for the crossing that integrate social, physical and cultural impacts. This will be achieved by surveying walkers themselves as to their experiences, and holding a series of workshops with various groups. To date, some 268 walkers have been surveyed over the March and April 2004 period, with preliminary findings to be available at the workshops. We note that while the information generated may be used by the Department of Conservation and DoC have provided their support for the research, the research project is being undertaken independently of DoC.”

      There is a workshop tonight in the Club rooms at 7.30pm for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. No preparation is required by any of the participants. The workshop format will be informal in which Boffa Miskell will be asking questions and providing comments for feedback. They are looking for around a dozen participants and already have about 5 or 6 from the Tararua’s.

      There might be another workshop on Monday 12 July also at 7.30 in the Clubrooms for people who have not walked the Crossings or who have, but who deliberately avoided it over the last five years.

      They want to talk to adults, but would also like to include family section members. You don’t need to be a member of the Club to attend the workshop.

      If you’re interested in going along, please contact Alistair on 027 482 1492.

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