Tongariro NP Management Plan (Draft)

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    • #12137 Reply
      Allan Mac

      I hear it is available and submissions close at the end of this month. Check this site:

      I’m a bit out of touch with the club these days, as I live in Auckland now, but is the club thinking of making a submission?

      Allan MacLachlan

    • #16358 Reply
      Grant Newton

      DoC presented the plan in Wellington last Thursday. From my understanding, it looks like our interests are looked after.

      An interesting stat is the increase in numbers on the Tongariro crossing …. used to be 10,000 per annum, now 65-80,000 per annum. This is leading DoC to propose installing extra toilets and helicoptoring out waste. DoC are still grappling with how to manage this area of the park with such high numbers.

      DoC are looking to stop any further commercial development. The only planned infrastructure development seems to be around sewerage, while a couple of structures may be removed if they’re not performing their intended use.

      Also the idea of a skiers cat-track between the 2 commercial skifields looks a dead duck – no submission on the topic has been placed by RAL and DoC oppose such a move anyway due to environmental impact.

      Seems like the 1080 drops have helped to increase bird numbers and there is a desire to maybe have a mainland sanctuary.

    • #16359 Reply
      Allan Mac


      I think it might be worthwhile for the club to put in a submission in support of the plan. In particular the restriction on further development of the skifields beyond their existing boundaries, no aircraft landings permitted, etc. I know NZAC are putting in a “we’re all in favour of your plan” submission, partly as a counter to the inevitable submissions from commercial interests. If all the clubs, and we have a particular interest, put in favourable submissions we have a strong chance of countering those commercial interests.

      I love skiing at Ruapehu, but the fields are big enough for me. I also like to explore the mountain beyond the ski boundaries and I wouldn’t like to dodge choppers dropping skiers (or worse, boarders ;-)) at the top of Ruapehu.

      This is our chance to have a say in the next 10 years on the mountain.

      Allan MacLachlan

    • #16360 Reply
      Don Goodhue

      I agree with Allan – we should at least present a submission stating our support of the plan.

      Boarders don’t need choppers – how about skier-free zones????

      Don Goodhue

    • #16361 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      Hi ya

      Grant N has put a submission in – basically it supports DoC but there was a clause in the plan about limiting the size of tramping groups etc to a samll number (think it was 8 or less – not sure). While our trips generally are often 10 or less – we are always carrying tentage and if the huts are crowded our club trips are encouraged to sleep out..


    • #16363 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Regarding the “Boarders don’t need Choppers” comment in Don’s e-mail, the plan specifically states that no air access is allowed except for management purposes. As for the skifields, it also states there is to be no extension to the existing skifields and if Tukino ski club ceases to exist, all infrastructure for that field would be removed (lifts, buildings and the access road).

      The submission, agreed by the committee on Wednesday supports the management plan with the single exception of the clause suggesting school groups, concessionaires and clubs are limited to 25% of a site’s capacity. We have suggested this is too small especially as we are often the only group at a hut and why should we stop people coming on a trip. As the plan suggests that the limit to a site (hut and camping) on the Round the Mountain track will be no higher than 25, at best this would allow a group of 6 people. The submission questions why clubs and school groups are targeted but not private groups and suggests if a limit is to be placed, 10 people would be a more realistic number.


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