Topo 50 Map Series Update

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    • #14836 Reply

      The Topo50 Map Series Project section on the Land Information New Zealand website has been updated with new content including :

      – GPS & Topo50 information including a printable fact sheet

      – Map production update

      – Additional resources are available to help with Topo50 Coordinate conversions

      For more information, email Andrew Ferrel at .

      If you do not wish to receive email advice on the Topo50 Map Series Project, email with “unsubscribe” in the subject line.

    • #18208 Reply
      gary samuels

      what has changed?

    • #18209 Reply

      Lots of things. Notably (someone please correct me if I’m wrong),

      * Official map sizes are smaller (now a standard A1 size). This means each specific map will cover a smaller area, but the standardisation should mean cheaper production, and smaller size might be more convenient in some situations. (Some maps near coastal areas overlap, to ensure there’s a decent amount of land on every map.)
      * The production process is changing. LINZ is (I think) now printing the maps in-house instead of sub-contracting it out. In the longer term they’re planning things like print-on-demand direct from the LINZ database. This should also mean better production consistency between neighbouring maps, which sometimes had differences such as different colour shadings, which depended on the publication dates.
      * Grid references have completely changed, although it’s been done in such a way that a grid reference number will make it obvious as to which grid is being used… unless you’re somehow tramping in the open sea, of course.
      * Latitudes/longitudes are based on a new geodetic datum which is more compatible with global systems and recent tech like GPS technology This also means lat/long coordinate positions on the maps shift by roughly 200 metres.

      The old maps will still work, since obviously the physical terrain isn’t changing overnight. LINZ is trying to encourage as many people to switch as immediately as possible, however, so the old coordinate systems get phased out to reduce potential confusion. Search and Rescue will be completely operating on the new maps, and retailers have been asked to return any remaining stock within the next month (in exchange for a credit), and all the returned maps will be shredded.

      Personally there’s no way I’m throwing out my old maps, and while they’ve still been available I’ve just been out to buy one to fill a gap in my collection, but general use of the old maps and old coordinates will probably be gone for the most part quite soon with the way it’s being organised.

      Disclaimer — I’m not involved in this at all so take the above notes with a grain of salt. A few people in the club are likely to have a lot of first-hand knowledge, though.

    • #18210 Reply
      Dave Collett

      A couple of points: the main piece of work that LINZ has taken in-house is the data-maintenace (so updating the topographic data from satellite imagery). Also work was previously contracted out to cartographically represent this data for the map (so that two pieces of text weren’t overlapping for instance). This has now largely been automated, and was part of the Topo50 project.

      The 1:250,000 series has been refreshed also, and is being promoted as the Topo250 series.

      For those interested, the lauch of the maps was last night, and you can check out the information (and a competition to win a nice GPS here:
      Also, you can now download any of the maps for free here:

    • #18211 Reply

      Hehe — Dave: The text “WARNING: note file sizes! These are large files and may take several minutes to download on slow connections” seems a very generous interpretation of some people’s connection speeds when either a 34MB or 138MB file is involved.


      Thanks for the info about free downloads.

    • #18212 Reply

      But it’s 300dpi goodness…

    • #18223 Reply

      Maps of south island and stewart island

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