Touching the void – Movie

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    • #13764 Reply

      Thought you might be interested to know that the movie of Touching the Void will be shown at this years international film festival.
      It should be popular.


    • #17485 Reply
      Allan Mac

      I’ve got the DVD and yes, it is very good. The DVD comes with some extras which includes a documentary on the filming at Siula Grande which focuses on Simon and Joe’s reactions on returning there.

      Both are as compelling as the book and I thoroughly recommend it. It’s worth watching, especially if you’ve read any of Joe’s books, as it puts a bit more of a human face on both Simon and Joe.


    • #17486 Reply
      Grant Newton


      Is the DVD available in NZ stores or did you get from overseas? I’m very keen to see it within the next 3 weeks, before tramping around the mountain!

    • #17487 Reply

      I hope its better than Vertical Limit … that has put me off mountaineering movies for life.

    • #17488 Reply
      Allan Mac

      I got it through a colleague who in turn got it from overseas. I’ve just had a peak at Amazon and they aren’t releasing it until 15th June and cost is around USD25

    • #17489 Reply
      Allan Mac

      Well, Vertical Limit was fiction and this is a documentary, so don’t let VL put you off Andrew. The people in Touching the Void are real and you’ve got to admit it certainly is an epic story.

      The surprising thing for me was how interesting both Simon and Joe are. I got a bit tired of Joe Simpson’s books, at times they seem mired in his thoughts about Tibet, and a bit repetitive, so I gave up. But in the movie he doesn’t come across as so much a navel gazer. Simon is positively animated.

      So Andrew, I’d recommend you spring open your wallet and get a ticket when the festival opens.

    • #17490 Reply

      I was only joking – like you I got a bit sick of his whinging/politicking in his later books. By the way my wallet never springs open, it requires a jack to prise it apart. I have read reviews about Simpson recreating scenes for the movie and how it brought back some particularly strong emotions. Should be interesting to see. Oh, byt he way whats a DVD? – us folks in Wellington still use video.

    • #17491 Reply
      Allan Mac

      They’re like CDs only they have movies on them. But you need a DVD player. You can buy DVD players at the supermarket with your spuds and bananas up here in Auckland these days. They’re bound to make it past the Bombays and down to you lot in the provinces any time soon. ;-D

    • #17492 Reply
      Allan Mac

      I just spoke to my colleague, he says he can get another DVD copy if anyone wants one. Send me an email if you’re interested and I’ll find out how much.


    • #17495 Reply
      Keith Gerritsen
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