Trampers required for focus groups – Earn $40

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      Dear New Zealand trampers,

      The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is running two group discussions with people who regularly go tramping to better understand what they do and think. We are looking for a pool of available participants. The purpose of the research is to help protect New Zealand waterways from freshwater pests.

      The research will involve coming along to an informal and relaxed discussion with up to seven other trampers. The groups will be held at the office of our research company in central Wellington. It will take two hours in which food and refreshments will be served, you will also receive a $40 retail voucher as a thank you for your time and participation.

      To be eligible to take part, you will not have previously worked, or currently work for any of the following:

      Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (including MAFBNZ)
      Department of Conservation
      Regional Councils
      Commercial tramping/camping/climbing operations
      Public relations/advertising agencies
      Sales and marketing
      News media outlets

      You will also need to answer yes to all of the following questions:

      1. Are you aged between 18 and 60 years?
      2. Have been tramping at least four times in the last year?

      (By tramping we mean – you’ve worn a pack/rucksack on your back, you’ve worn strong footwear and you’ve walked in a predetermined direction (tramping) and been more serious in intention and effort than just a walk in the park)

      3. Have you been tramping in the past 6 months?

      4. Are you available on the evening of Thursday 10th September.

      If you don’t fit all the criteria, but know of someone that does and who may be interested, could you please forward this email on to them?

      If you do fit all the criteria and are interested, could you please send the following information to Matthew Thorpe at .

      Your name and contact details (home and mobile).
      Do you usually use predetermined tracks, or determine your own route or do a combination of both?
      In the last year, have you been on day tramps, overnight tramps or both?
      Have you tramped in the North or South Island in the last year, or both?
      Have you crossed running water on a tramp in the past year?
      What age group do you fit into? (18-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, 46-50, 50 – 60)
      Do you belong to a tramping club or association?

      Thank you very much – we really appreciate your help. Please feel free to forward this email on to anybody else you think would fit our criteria and would be interested in taking part.

      Kind regards


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