Tramping club ball

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    • #14955 Reply

      We are planning a tramping club ball, hopefully in May 2010, and are looking into venues/bands for the evening. If anyone can recommend a good venue (in Wellington) or a good band please let us know!

      We plan to make it an inter-club ball and invite members from all the local outdoor clubs so if you belong to any other clubs or have contacts in them we’d love to hear from you.

      Watch this space for more details.. we’ll get a date for your diaries to you soon!

    • #18249 Reply

      Can I recommend the Hotel Intercontinental – they put on a really good spread. Book this place early.
      If you are after atmosphere, try the Workingmans/Gentlemans club(?) on Maginnity Street. That building has real precence.
      I don’t recommend the [edited by webmaster].

    • #18250 Reply

      Depending on how upmarket or expensive you want it to be, I went to a good charity ball this year at the Ngaio Community Hall with great food and DJ (and also a belly dancing performance!)… I could find out the details in the new year if you’re interested and let you know –

    • #18255 Reply

      Sounds like a very cool plan!

      Also could try the Picnic Cafe in the botanic Gardens (at the begonia house) $30 for cocktail dinner, drinks not too unreasonable price, $500 venue hire includes staff $50 extra (ish) to get enough glasses. Plenty of indoor and outdoor space.
      If you want Jenny, I have a rather large list of function venues I have been working through lately while trying to sort a wedding! Feel free to drop me a line personally so I dont have to write long posts on here for it!


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