Tramping in Australia

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    • #13815 Reply
      shona henderson

      Has anyone done any good tramps in either Queensland or Tasmania? Looking to do something, duration of 7 – 10 days, preferably as one tramp or two of 3 – 5 days around Christmas/New Year. Suggestions, hints, tips, good websites etc all welcome!



    • #17523 Reply
      Allan Mac

      Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair is quite a good, popular walk in Tasmania, I hear. I haven’t done the tramp, but cycled past Lake St Clair on my way to Hobart about 10 years ago.

      Queensland is likely to be quite hot Chistmas/New Year, think 30?C+ and humid.

    • #17524 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      Depending on how keen you are, Federation Peak and the Western Arthurs has a legendary reputation

    • #17527 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd


      The Overland Track is really nice between Cradle Mountain and Lake St. Clair. Allow about 7 days so that you can fit in a side trip up the Pine Valley. Also you can do a 2-3 hour side trip to climb Mt. Ossa or a day side trip to go up Mt. Rufus. This track is very popular in summer and autumn when the desiduous tress are very colourful. I did it in late October and I had very few people but lots of snow. With lots of snow the landscape reminded me of the american landscapes photographed by Ancell Adams.

      A three day trip to climb French Mans Cap is supposed to be good. However there is a lot of mud (a real Granny stopper) and not for grannies.

      Two or three days around the Freycinet Peninsula is worthwhile, beuatiful beaches and granite formations, but not in summer when it is full of people and water is hard to find. I did it in August and had the place to myself. Awesome.

      The Southern Circuit trip is supposed to be really good, allow 8 – 10 days but can be very wet.

      There are some nice one or two day walks in the Mt Field NP, around these tarns (forget the name) with lots of pencil pines.

      I awlays wanted to get to the Walls of Jerusalem NP but never made it. Allow 2 -3 days.


      Never tramped in Queensland but I have read about the Hinchbrook trail on one of the islands and it sounded nice. I think it is about 4 days.

      Good Luck, Glynne Lloyd

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