Tramping in NZ in the 1920’s.

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      Hi all,
      Recently the Alexander Turnbull Library received an interesting donation of papers from the Denton family of Wellington and Horowhenua. Amongst the papers is the journal of Wellington businessman and bachelor William Henry Denton (1872-1954), documenting his tramping adventures. He is a lively writer and his entries are profusely illustrated with photographs.
      In the 1920s the urban middle classes of New Zealand discovered tramping. Clubs were formed. New tracks cut and huts built. On weekends and holidays more and more city dwellers put on their new boots, loaded their rucksacks and headed out into the wilderness. Many others thought it very odd behaviour indeed.
      For the historian, Denton’s journal is a fascinating record of early tramping, changing attitudes to nature, and leisure. The modern tramper will find it just as intriguing, as an account of what some of the great New Zealand walks were like over eighty years ago.

      To view go to and follow the link at the bottom of the page.


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