Transport for Private trips in Nelson area

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    • #12192 Reply

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      Whiel we dont do commercial advertisements – this may be of use to those trying to organise their own transort into the Nelson Lakes area. I have been contacted by Pete and Trish Kemp who are fellow trampers and know how difficult it is to find transport in The Nelson Lakes area. They can also arrange free tramping information and arrange car storage or arrange trampers cars ferried to any track end. This may be of use if you were arranging your own private tramping trips.

    • #16390 Reply

      I can recomend Nelson Lakes shuttles. Over Queens birthday when a fit and a mdeium group didnt “catch a bus” these guys helped us out big time.

      They charge $25 per person from picton to Nelson lakes with a min charge of $125 I think. They also do dropoffs at various road ends for not much.

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