Treeplanting this Sunday

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    • #12465 Reply

      I’m leading a club trip this Sunday at Makara Peak. The trip list is up at club or just bowl along 10 am Sunday to the South Karori Rd carpark for the Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park.

      This Sunday we are planting out areas between the road and the stream just south of the carpark. Several hundred plants to do. Tools, gloves and hearty lunch all provided by the Makara Peak Supporters.

      This planting is a continuation of an award winning revegetation project along the Sth Karori Stream. Be part of the action. For more info on the park, including instructions on how to get there, visit

      See you Sunday

      Andrew McLellan

    • #16637 Reply

      I forgot to mention we have a spot prize at Sunday’s treeplanting as well …

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