Trip Planning Meeting: 15 Mar

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    • #12363 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      Just when you thought it was safe, it’s time to plan the next trip schedule.

      If you’ve got any suggestions for trips for the period May – August you could email them to me, or turn up at the planning meeting:

      Mon 15 March, 7:30pm
      21 Dorking Road
      Ph 389 0555

      We need plenty of ideas for trips – both old favourites or novel new routes that you’d love to do. Winter could be a great time to visit Nelson Lakes – no wasps and plenty of climbing opportunities. Should we have a few 3-day trips down there? Should we have some theme weekends? Since we’re being denied a long ANZAC weekend this year, is there more interest in taking a whole week to head somewhere down south?

      Please let me know if you’re coming or you’ve got any suggestions by email.


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