Trudge col, worsley biv

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    • #13667 Reply
      Scott Fowler

      Several years ago a group from your club done a trip over this area, i am interested to the route that you took and the conditions that you found. Is there anyone out there who was on that trip

    • #17351 Reply

      Hi Scott,

      I was on the club trip back in 2001. (My memory is fading already though – so it may pay to ask others – Allen Higgins may have some route notes.)

      Trudge Col wasn’t too bad from memory. I’d probably rate it as something you may find on a WTMC medium/fit or fit trip.

      From the un-named stream feeding into the Hawdon the ascent to the col heads up a large steepish scree slope below Rugged Peak (Note that the direct route up from the valley isn’t a goer!) It climbs until below some bluffs it climbs/scrambles to the left on to a rock rib.

      There was a bit of a nasty little notch that had to be tip-toed across to get onto some easier ground. I suspect that this notch could be prone to erosion. (The route notes we used had no mention of it). It is a few hundred metre sidle/climb over scree to the col.

      From the col we sidled across to 1774 and nth east along the spur to 096153 and then dropped onto 1261. From their we dropped down nth east toward Worsley Biv (can’t remember exact route but the bush was open on the descent).

      On the flats behind Worsely biv we found an extensive area of windfall (x km long by x00m wide?) which was painfully slow going. It would be easier to follow Trudge Stm or Enchanted Stream down to the Poulter to get to Worsley Biv.

      The crux is sidling out from the scree around to the col and getting across the nasty notch.

      See below for a photo.

      Hopefully someone else might verify/correct this post.

      Shane Connolly

      P.s. 2001 Party was Allen + Sue Higgins, Shane Connolly, Harriette Carr, Nick Wood, Roger Bolan, Hugh Fyson, Eric Blumhardt, Stuart Palmer

      Photo 1: Looking up toward Trudge col a bit before the start of scree climb. ( Note waterfall below col)


    • #17352 Reply
      Scott Fowler

      Many thanks for the info we were looking at going up to the valley head but from what you say, avoid it
      Thanks again.

    • #17358 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      I haven’t been over Trduge Col, but I come from Canterbury and it got talked about a lot. It wouldn’t be my first choice of Arthurs Pass passes. Shane’s post seems on the ball, though I would avoid going into Trduge Stream unless sure of being below the waterfalls. Trudge stream has quite a reputation for slow travel. The route up Trudge Col from the Hawdon has a reputation for being a bit exposed and grovelly.

      If you a doing a circuit in the area, I strongly recommend Hawdon – Walker Pass – Amber Col – Scott-Wilson Col and down Sudden Valley back to the Hawdon. It’s one of the best routes in the eastern parts of the Park.



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