tubing leading required 24jan

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    • #12081 Reply

      Due to other committments I cannot lead the Otaki Forks tubing trip 24/26 Jan. If you would like to take advantage of this once in a life time opportunity please can you let me or the Chief Guide know.

      -I have a tube/seat/paddle/wetsuit/helmet you can borrow.



    • #16323 Reply

      Just to make sure you don’t sell the trip short – It is an awesome trip, the gorge is very scenic and its the only way to visit this part of the Tararuas. The trip involves walking into Waitaewaewae hut with pack. tube and wetsuit (maybe 4 hrs walk for most – more at night) then tubing down the upper Otaki Gorge to the swingbridge just before Otaki Forks (at least 8hrs on/in the water).

      This is not a trip for the fainthearted and if camping overnight (half way down the gorge usually) you will need warm dry clothing. Above average fitness and river travel experience helps. Once you start down the gorge there is no easy way out. There are 2 or 3 big drops in the rivers that are usually portaged by tubers – you will here them coming! It is possible to get down the river, if reasonable flow, in one longish day from the hut but be prepared to paddle.

      Oh and don’t start late like the wallys who started rafting the Hutt Gorge at 5.30pm last night, and consequently had a night out in the bush without any gear.

      Have fun

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