Volunteer help – Tararuas

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    • #13758 Reply
      Grant Newton


      I’ve been in contact with DoC regarding volunteer work in the hills. DoC are keen now to have an official track/route along Pakihori Ridge which will enable a great weekend round trip which includes Tararua Peaks and Maungahuka hut (in via Bridge Peak and out via Pakihori Ridge). I’m keen to ensure this happens.

      There has been track clearing work recently completed from Table Top down to Penn Creek and up to Pakihori Ridge. What is now needed is the route along Pakihori Ridge to the main range to be marked with those orange markers.

      This is a great opportunity for the WTMC to contribute. Is anybody keen to give a hand???

      I’m looking to head in on the weekend of May 22-23 (weather permitting) with potentially the Monday as well (I get a day volunteer leave from work, which I was intending to make use of).

      Drop me a line if you’re keen


    • #17482 Reply
      suzanne holmes

      Yeah Grant,

      Definitely keen on helping out May 22-23.
      I wouldn’t be able to come till after noon of the Saturday though.
      Would that be a problem?


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