Volunteers for Tararua Mountain Race

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    • #12078 Reply
      Lyndsay Fletcher

      Its that time of year again where I am seeking volunteers for the Tararua Mountain Race. I require people to help me on the Friday (setup day) and on race day 8 March 2003. I need a hand to pickup stuff from HireMaster and to setup Marquees at Otaki Forks. Then straight after work to help setup Marquees, tents etc at the start at the Kaitoke carpark. On race day I require people to help run the start area and finish area at Otaki Forks.

      Duties at the start include running the check-in desk, gear check area and vehicle marshalling at Kaitoke, starting at 6:00 am and finishing 9:30 am. People in the past have slept over in the tents already setup.

      Duties at the finish include full setup of finish area, time keeper at the finish line, tee shirt sales, running the food stall, helping the photographer keep tab on runners numbers, updating the information board, starting at 11:00 am and finishing 18:00 pm.

      You will be rewarded for your efforts with a free event Tee Shirt, food and drink on race day and possible a Pizza Hut voucher. Please reply with your interest ASAP.

      Lyndsay Fletcher
      Tararua Mountain Race

    • #16322 Reply
      dave paiti

      lyndsay mate

      i can give you a helping hand if that’s ok. do we have a choice of options?


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