Volunteers needed for Tararua Mountain Race

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      Lyndsay Fletcher

      I am the organiser for the Tararua Mounatain Race and a member of the club. I hope to interest you in joining my small team of volunteers. It involves helping me setup both the start and finish areas, perform duties like checking the runners gear, pria to starting, operating the Laptop that has the race database, and when it is all over packup the start and finish areas. I can explain more if you let me know that you could be interested.
      The race is on the weekend 12-13 March. The race is set for Saturday but could be postponded to the Sunday due to bad weather. The start and finish areas are at different locations. Kaitoke carpark, entrance to the southern Tararua Forest Park, is the start and Otaki Forks is the finish.
      Your help is needed for, or part there of, the following: All day Friday; 8:30 AM till whenever, Friday evening; straight after work till late evening, early Saturday morning; 6:00 AM till 10:00 AM or all day Saturday; 6:00 AM till 6:00 PM. If the race is postponded, decided 6:30 AM Saturday, then the times for Sunday are the same as for the Saturday.
      If you are able to help, then you will receive a event Tee Shirt and lunch on the Saturday. I am also working on possible sponsorship that could result in you receiving vouchers for Friday night’s meal and Saturday’s breakfast. Plus petrol vouchers too as you need to transport yourself to Kaitoke and or Otaki Forks.
      Please visit the event web site to learn more. http://www.coolrunning.co.nz/races/tararua/

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