Vox pop

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    • #13749 Reply


      If anyone has some ideas for further WTMC Polls then make a posting here or send an email to the webmaster.

      It is a great way to find out what people are thinking.


    • #17446 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Hi Shane,
      The running of the club is becoming really hard as yopu well now having done web stuff on your own for several years now without any help despite our calls for help to members!
      While we have a membership of 500 or so, the active membership is small in comparison and some of it is almost transient.
      A small handfull get left to do committee, run and lead trips and do those things like manage the door, welcome new people, wash the dishes, put out the chairs, do the trip money, do SAR contacts every weekend, instructions courses, manage lodge bookings, maintain huts, web etc. A small handful dont really contribute at all!!! A small handful of active people have done their share over the years and are having a break or enjoying the club.
      As such the committee may get to the point it needs to cut back activities which arent core to us getting out and tramping ….weve also raised the possibility of getting some admin help (contracted/paid) to free up time of committee.

      Many new people to the club find us via the website…..wonder if we can poll people (new and existing) on:

      1) As a member ( or if I became one) Id actively help out and volunteer with club tasks.

      2) I have an interest in the club as
      a) I am transient (just arrived in Wgtn and NZ for a short period of time) and want to see the outdoors
      b) Im just wanting to learn more about the outdoors to become more self sufficent
      c) Im just wanting to become a member to use club facilities and/or get FMC membership
      c) I am wanting to experience the outdoors and meet people and be a part of a club (longer term)

      3) I have found this website really useful in learning about your club

      If a committee member is spending significant time ( i.e. over 3 hours) a week on supporting the club and if there was no assistance given – then Id support the use of someone being contracted to do any admin functions like: taking lodge bookings, newsletter mail out, subs, accounts, running instruction courses, organising transport just so I continue to enjoy the current benefits of belonging /joining in on club activities.

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