Waikamaka Hut, Ruahines, Medium trip

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    • #14770 Reply
      Gareth Morton

      Hi. I am leading the above trip and was after some advice or suggestions for this trip from anyone who knows the area. My initial thoughts are to spend Friday night at Triplex Hut, then Saturday night at Waikamaka Hut going via Waipawa Forks Hut (also heard it called Waipawa Chalet) either via the track which heads to Sunrise Hut or via the Swamp Track/Waipawa river, continuing up the Waipawa river, over Waipawa Saddle and down to Waikamaka Hut. Not sure what to do Sunday? Either retrace the route back to Triplex hut roadend or return the long way via Waipawa saddle, Te Atuaoparapara, Armstrong saddle, Sunrise Hut to Triplex hut carpark. Or maybe do all this but in reverse so that Sunday is a shorter day. I would prefer to do a circular walk rather than linear walk if possible. How difficult is navigating via Te Atuaoparapara and how long would it take from Waikamaka Hut to Sunrise Hut? How long does it take to walk up to Sunrise Hut in the dark as this could be done on Friday night perhaps?
      Thanks for listening, any advice is greatly received.

      PS: Harry Smith is my hero!!

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