Wairarapa MTB / cycling ideas

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    • #15354 Reply

      Just came across a very informative document on the WairarapaNZ website listing seven pages of mountainbike rides. For those enjoying to get out on two knobly tires this may provide some inspiration.
      It also confirms the ride from Wainuiomata along Turakirae Head to the Wairarapa is open to the public.
      Check out http://www.wairarapanz.com/files/MountainBikeRidesWairarapa.pdf

    • #18504 Reply

      Would make a good weekend trip. Maybe camp at Summit tunnel area Friday night?

    • #18505 Reply

      Yeah, I’d heard of a number of cyclists going around Cape Turakirae in the last couple of years and had got the impression that Orongorongo Station had got a lot more relaxed about it than they used to be. I think their main concern is motorbikes and four-wheel drive vehicles (and fair enough too – the four-wheel drive hoons have been churning up the grass terraces around the mouth of the Mukamukaiti, just on the far side of where Orongorongo Statiion have their barrieir up. It used to be a nice camping spot and now it’s a mess with broken glass scattered around.)

      I cycled back around Cape Turakirae at Anniversay Weekend and didn’t have any access problems (although admittedly I didn’t actually run into the land owners). I walked my bike along the pedestrian acccessway on the seaward side of the fence from the Cape Turakirae scientific reserve to the Orongorongo River bridge, just to be on the safe side. The big fence barrier that Orongorongo Station used to have up at the bridge is gone, replaced by a lower fence that you can just lift your bike over.

      It’s a great ride around there, although tough on a road bike with panniers! It would make a good weekend Club trip in combination with the Rimutuka Incline – there’s an excellent DOC campsite at Ocean Beach.

      – Harry

    • #18506 Reply

      Great to hear positive experiences in that area.
      Sounds as if it should go up on the next trip schedule! I’m happy to test my new bike frame there.

    • #18507 Reply

      another good loop ride in the Wairarapa is to go round cape palliser to white rock and back through martinbrough. There is a DOC hut on the coast to stay in too. More of a fit trip – 280km from the Hutt Valley

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