Wairarapa-Wellington coastal track

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    • #14761 Reply

      Anyone know where I can get information on this track. It’s on the topo maps but is it passable all the way around? I’d say it’s a very doable day walk for anyone EM up, perhaps even easy. Looks quite flat anyway. Anyone?

    • #18092 Reply

      Hi Eamonn.

      Do you mean from Western Bay Road near Lake Ferry around the southern end of the Orongorongos towards Eastbourne?

      I’ve no idea from experience, but looking in a couple of forums, such as http://www.vorb.org.nz/ftopicp-1955111.html , it sounds like there are definitely private land issues. It also sounds as if you shouldn’t get your hopes up if you ever want to take a mountain bike there, incidentally, but maybe walking would be okay.

      The GWRC’s web-page for East Harbour Regional Park ( http://www.gw.govt.nz/section400.cfm ) states you can contact the park ranger for adjacent landowner details, so it might be worth starting there. Contact details are at http://www.gw.govt.nz/section612.cfm


    • #18093 Reply

      I’ve been around there a number of times in the past, both walking and by bike. There’s a four wheel drive track all the way and it’s an excellent walk or bike ride with great coastal scenery. There is also a series of old raised beaches at Cape Turakirae which are interesting if you’re interested in geology and landforms. The track crosses a large shingle fan just beyond Barney’s Whare which could be a bit tiring on a bike but otherwise it’s completely straightforward.

      The problem is getting permission from Orongorongo Station, which runs from the Orongorongo River around to Windy Point, just before the Mukamukaiti Stream. Beyond there is a different landowner and access doesn’t seem to be a problem.

      I lead a club tramping trip around there a few years ago and there wasn’t any problem getting walking access when I rang up the landowner (I think from memory I got the contact details from the DoC visitor centre at the Catchpool). However mountain bikes are a different story and I’d be very surprised if you’d get permission to mountain bike it, at least as an individual. But I have done it by bike in the past with the club so it seems like they may be more willing to give permission to an official club trip, which gives them some assurance that people will behave responsibly.

      There is a legally arranged foot access route from the end of the road at the Orongorongo river around to the raised beaches at Cape Turakirae, which is a scientific reserve,so you don’t need to arrange permission for that and it makes a good easy day walk. You’re not allowed to take bikes, however, and there is a fortress-like fence on the far side of the bridge across the Orongorongo river with a narrow gate to prevent you from physically getting a bike through (or at least there was a few years ago and I presume there still is). There’s another barrier at Windy Point to prevent four-wheel-drive vehicles getting through. There’s no Queen’s Chain around that stretch of coast but as far as I know you could still perfectly legally follow the beach all the way around to the Wairarapa without asking permission as long as you kept below the mean high tide mark, but you wouldn’t be able to bike it. You could wheel or carry bikes around the beach, but you’d have to ford the mouth of the Orongorongo river first.

      – Harry

    • #18096 Reply

      There is a legal FOOT ROW all the way through Orongorongo station.
      From the Orongorongo river follow the DOC track to Turakirae Head. From there follow the 4wd track along the inland boundery of the reserve, then to the farm boundery.
      Obviously you must stay on the track and not wonder over the farm.
      There is no arrangement for public MTB access through orongorongo Station (it’s been worked on).

    • #18099 Reply

      Thanks everyone for your help.

    • #18245 Reply

      Can anybody recommend where I can get access for a wee camp and chill at Xmas? Have been given a hut up Orongorongo’s for use through a Customer, but its Walk in only, and a mate has a new 5WD hilux to use for 4 weeks, but he is unfit and wont walk in with me.

      Any ideas? Coast? bush? want access to a stream and can take a tent.

      Cheers, Sammy

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