Waitangi Weekend

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    • #12088 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Hello all,

      We will need trip numbers confirmed on Wednesday 22nd Jan for the Waitangi Weekend trips. Most of the trips are heading to the Mt Owen area, one of the spectacular locations used for filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

      The trips depart Wellington on Wednesday night, 5th Feb at 5:30pm, returning to Wellington late Sunday night, 9th Feb (about midnight). Thursday is a public holiday, but you will need to take the Friday off work.

      If you’re keen to come along and enjoy one of the many great trips on offer, sign up tonight or next Wednesday …. otherwise contact the trip leader.

      Grant Newton
      Chief Guide – WTMC

    • #16333 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      I will be staying in the North Island on Waitangi Weekend and am keen on a Taranaki or Ruapehu trip. Options include:

      East-West traverse of Mt Taranaki returning via Holly Hut
      North-South-East-West double traverse of Mt Taranaki using the Round the Mountain track to get between traverses.
      Ruapehu-Ngauruhoe-Tongariro traverse.

      So if you’re not heading south for the weekend…



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