Waitangi weekend easy, fun day trips Hauraki Gulf

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    • #15322 Reply

      I’m organising some day excursions in the Hauraki Gulf for Waitangi weekend – boat rides followed by exploration of wildlife, volcanos, vineyards. Ex Auckland. If you are interested get in touch to co-ordinate plane bookings. Cheap flights available now.

    • #18487 Reply
      clement dussier

      hi sharron ,

      i m french so it s for that i ask you this question,

      will it be happen in the week end of the 4 /5 th february?

      and i would like to have more information about the trip because it s look nice

      Do we travel all around the Hauraki Gulf’s island or just around aukland ?

      What will it be the rank of the trip ? medium / feet ….

      thanks for the information


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