Want a great job to help the club?

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    • #15156 Reply


      Is anyone out there interested in taking over the club trip stats collection role? It’s a great way to help out that’s not too intensive, and you’ll have the right to request an annual seven figure salary from the club in return.

      I’m collecting the stats at present, but as I’m shifting overseas in a few weeks, I’ll have to stop. There’s data going back about three years in the current database that maps between things like trip grades and trip types and mountain ranges and numbers of members and non-members on trips, so if you like tinkering with numbers and finding new ways to look at data and pulling out interesting trends in ways that inspire Chief Guides, you might enjoy it.

      The role involves chasing up trip leaders after their weekend trips (email usually works), and collecting basic stats information about the trips. These stats go into the annual report, and help to show trends with what’s happening with the club over time and where we’re going (and where we’re not going).

      It won’t be for an immediate start as I’ve been lazy over the last couple of months and I’ll need to collate some of the stats that I’ve not yet put into my database, but please let me know if it’s something you think you’d like to do.

      Any questions let me know. Seven figure salary requests should be directed to the club’s committee.


    • #18385 Reply
      Nicholas Boshaw

      Im new to the club but from what Ive seen its a great way to get people together to do something worth while. This seems relatively informal so I’ll just send you a bit about my experience and what Im about. I’m from Michigan, in the States, I went to Uni and really enjoyed math but ended up getting an Electrical Engineering bachelors. Worked about 5 years as an EE, mostly worked managing special projects where I put new toys on Fire trucks and Class A RVs (ie electronic stability control). Not by any means the same responsibilities but Im sure Im capable of adapting. I have taken statistic classes and I was required to find trends in data for many of my courses in University and find it interesting. I would really like to come get a feel of the responsibilities to see if it would be something Id be interested in, but it sounds like something right up my alley. Especially the pay!! 7 FIGURES!?!? Thats gotta be a typo, I read that as being in the millions $$!?
      Thanks Mike, and I hope to hear from you,

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