Want to try a stint in the gear room?

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      Hi everyone.

      Are any members out there keen on helping out in the gear room? The role entails showing up at about 7.25pm to open up the gear room, helping people to issue gear (making sure they fill in forms and pulling bits from the gear cupboard), and helping them return it (similar but in reverse).

      In organising the upcoming roster, there are still three Wednesdays left towards the end on the 11th, 18th and 25th of August, which haven’t been filled by people who’ve recently helped in the gear room. I figure it’s an opportunity for anyone who’s interested to get in the loop. The usual pattern is for people to be downstairs 2 weeks in a row to help simplify key exchanges, but that’s not essential.

      I’m temporarily organising the upcoming roster, so please email me if you’re interested.


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