Wanted :: Crampons / Ice Axe

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    • #14849 Reply
      Jon Shutt

      Hi Folks,

      I’m from the UK, been in NZ for about 8 months, and left my ixe axe and crampons back in the loft in scotland – not being the easiest items to carry around while travelling in summer…

      But I’d really like to get out in to the snowy mountains!

      As I’ve already got the stuff, I don’t really want to go out and buy it all new again, so If anyone has either a second hand pair of crampons and an axe or two for sale i’d be interestd – or even a winter loan (I’m heading back to the UK for a couple of weeks in October, and will up my own stuff then)

      Many thanks


    • #18162 Reply

      Hi John,

      You can hire ice axe and crampons from the club gear room on a Wednesday night, not that expensive, especially if you are a club member.

      Otherwise i would suggest TradeMe as people are prob not that keen on lending this type of gear due to damage and wear and tear.


    • #18164 Reply
      Yibai He

      Hi John,

      I do have pair of crampons which I no longer use, it’s the black diamond’s sabre tooth, beside the color and extra logo at the front it’s pretty much same as the one in the link below. I have the Anti Balling Plate too. it’s a clip on version so you need the suitable boots for it.


      You can contact either via email or phone if interested.

      Yibai He, 0272010116

    • #18165 Reply

      Hi there, thanks Yibai, but unfortunatly the boots I have here won’t take the clip in style crampons.

      I did look on trademe, but agian, the only few I’ve seem are the clip on ones.

      Thanks anyway.

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