WANTED: Used camping gear for Pakistan

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    • #12811 Reply
      Peter Misich (for Anne Nelson)

      The New Zealand Pakistan Association is filling a container to send to Pakistan, where 2.5 million people are facing the winter without shelter after the recent earthquake. They are asking for donations of used camping equipment, including tents, tarpaulins, sleeping bags and cooking gear.
      They are also asking for blankets (but not clothes).

      If you have any items you’d like to donate, please phone Anne Nelson on
      233 6441. She will be collecting items this weekend (the container leaves next week).

      Thanks very much for your support.

    • #16836 Reply

      The club has old A-frame style tents which no-one uses these days, cluttering up the gear locker (and my basement!). How about donating them to a worthy cause?

    • #16837 Reply
      Andrew McLellan

      It might pay to check with Oxfam or Unicef to see whether our old lightweight nylon tents would be appropriate and big enough for the Northern Pakistan winter. I’m not sure they are 3-4 season tents and the winter climate in that part of Pakistan is pretty brutal.

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