we want your best pictures – The WTMC calendar

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    • #13558 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      WTCM 2004 Club Calendar ? Image Request Outline

      What we’re doing:
      Producing a club calendar for 2004 using images taken from club activities in New Zealand (club trips or private). It will be A3 in size with one month per page. The main focus of each page will be the image. Images will be selected for their diversity of location (and activity) and appropriateness to the month/season. The photographer and location will be acknowledged and where available other details such as date, camera, film, speed etc. (If this information is not consistently available we might not use). Weekends and long weekends will be highlighted so at a glance you can plan trips. Major event dates (eg, Round Taupo, Coast to Coast, etc) and quirky outdoor anniversaries (eg the first summit of Everest, etc) will be noted.

      Who’s involved:
      Sharyn ()
      Don ()
      Katja ()
      Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss any aspect of calendar production.

      The kind of images we’re after:
      Images of New Zealand’s outdoors taken whilst undertaking club activities. The images may show people ‘doing’ or simply be taken whilst doing a club trip. Eg an image could be taken whilst mountain climbing of either mountain climbing or mountain tops.

      Here’s a reminder of club activities – Tramping, Mountain biking, Mountaineering, Sea Kayaking, Tubing, Climbing etc

      The images could capture:
      scenery / mountains / fog / forests / rivers / mud
      coast / close ups / panoramas / sun / snow / rain

      How we’d like them:
      Slides only please (we’re checking on the acceptance of digital images but please no photos). At this stage we don’t want to exclude pictures because of their format, so please submit both portrait AND landscape.
      Please submit a maximum of 5 images
      Clearly label each slide and reference the following details on an accompanying page:
      your name
      what the image is of
      where it was taken
      who is in it – if appropriate
      When it was taken
      Camera, film, speed etc – if available

      When would we like them:
      We need to have all images by Friday 15 August

      Send to :
      Katja Riedel
      National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
      Private Bag 14-901
      Kilbirnie, Wellington
      or handover to Katja on a Wednesday night.

      What happens after we get them:
      Club members will be invited to a Calendar Selection meeting where we view all the slides to select images that will go into the calendar. This meeting will be on Thursday 21 August. The venue has not yet been confirmed.

      All images that do not make the calendar will be returned to their owners.
      Images used in the calendar will be returned as soon as they have been scanned for printing. (dates at this stage are still to be confirmed)

      How do you get a calendar:
      Orders for the calendar will be taken from around September. A mock up of the calendar and an order form will be available at Club meetings and on the web site from around September. Stay tuned for this announcement.

      The price:
      $19 – $27 each.

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