Wed Sep 11 – Rock climbing extravaganza

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      Ever wondered what it’s like at the sharp end of rock and alpine climbing?

      Keen to be inspired by tales of scaling the beautiful tall things that lurk in the Southern Alps?

      Interested in finding out whether Simon has borrowed any more hut blankets?

      This Wednesday Simon Bell returns fresh from climbing the south face of Douglas, Barnicoat and Spencer in Mt Cook NP. He won’t be talking about that trip. Instead he will share his experiences crag climbing at Arapiles (Aussie), along with a couple of classic NZ alpine routes – the north butress of Sabre in the Darrens (Fiordland NP) and the Strauchon face of Dilemma plus a traverse to Unicorn Peak in Mt Cook NP.

      See ya Wednesday. Bring a friend!

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