Wednesday Night 19 March: Gear pick up and drop off

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    • #14580 Reply
      Social Convenor

      Hi Punters,
      This Wednedsay 19 March the club will be open from 7.30 to 8.30 for gear pick up and drop off and signing up for trips only.

      The following week however, will be the presentation you’ve all been waiting for: the Great WTMC Christmas Trip.

      Spot you there!

      The Tea Lady

    • #18013 Reply
      Darren Hammond

      Please note that the Gear Room will shut at 8.15 tomorrow

      Acting Gear Custodian

      Social Convenor Wrote:

      > Hi Punters,
      > This Wednedsay 19 March the club will be open from
      > 7.30 to 8.30 for gear pick up and drop off and
      > signing up for trips only.
      > The following week however, will be the
      > presentation you’ve all been waiting for: the
      > Great WTMC Christmas Trip.
      > Spot you there!
      > The Tea Lady

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