Wednesday Welcomers wanted

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      I need to continue with Stu’s door roster to welcome newbies on Wednesday nights…..
      We usually try to have 2 people on the door who are a certainity to be there and welcome newbies to tell them about the club and what happens etc.

      Thank-you to those clubbies who when they see us stugglnig when we get an influx of people and the door becoems unmanned who come over and help ….but we still would like a dedicated group who can roster themselves once a month on the door.

      Its a great way to get more involved with the club (especailly if you are relatively new to the club, you may want to get to know a few more people..BUT do know how the club works and youve been away with the club)
      Jeanine, John and I welcome any helpers to our roster…please email me or come and see us at the door!


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