Wellington Capitelles: Monday Night Womens Road Rides

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      Pete Marshall

      Thought I would pass this on

      Hello female riders and with day light savings we can say welcome back to the Capitelles rides.

      Our regular rides will start on Monday 29th September 2008 and will continue through day light savings hours every Monday evening at Freyburg Pool at 5:30pm.

      For those of you who haven?t joined us on this ride before we ride around the bays (or part of), covering between 20-35km taking between 60-90 minutes. All female cyclists are welcome. We will spilt into different groups depending on skill levels if the numbers warrant this. Bikes of all flavours are welcome however if you are on a mountain bike we would recommend slick tyres. And we are always looking for groups leaders for this ride, so if your interested please email me.

      Here?s a little bit of history about the Capitelles:

      Who are the Capitelles?

      The Capitelles is a new name for a group that was first developed by Robyn Wong and Fanny Lariviere in 2001.

      Goals and Objectives

      The Objectives of the Capitelles are to:

      ? Continue to raise the profile of women in cycling, whether it be road cycling, track cycling, mountain biking or triathlon.
      ? Focus on developing and upskilling riders
      ? Mentor women, providing training tips and advice.
      ? Cater for all levels and abilities.
      ? Provide a social atmosphere where riders gain enjoyment out of the sport.
      ? Promote fitness.
      ? Introduce new riders to the sport.
      ? Provide a supportive environment that is non-threatening and fun.

      The Capitelles will organise:

      ? A weekly Monday night ride. The ride will move at an easy pace so as to allow the group to work on bunch skills and bike handling. It is not necessary to be a member of PNP to partake in the Capitelles ride. These rides are free of charge and open to any female cyclist.
      ? An egroup to keep members updated on upcoming events, training rides, seminars, results, and other cycling topics of interest.

      The Capitelles will work with the PNP club to:

      ? Cater for the needs of these riders which may lead to new PNP members
      ? Offer Capitelles grades in PNP road races
      ? Organise Seminars – Bike Setup; Bike Maintenance; Nutrition; Training; Cycling Injuries; Health; Women Specific Product; etc. PNP members will benefit from a discounted rate.

      Details about the group can be found here.

      You can join the egroup by sending an email to: WgtnWomensCycling-subscribe[at]yahoogroups.com

      So, hope to see you all tonight or next Monday. If the weather is gale force and totally unsafe we will email this egroup on Monday at 4pm.

      Yours in cycling,


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