Wellington Land Search and Rescue – Interested in joining?

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      Stuart Meiklejohn

      Wellington Search and Rescue are always looking for capable volunteers to fill different roles in the organization, from field team members to dog handlers to IT support. There are a bunch of WTMC people involved, and they are always keen for more!!

      There is an induction coming up at the end of June for anyone interested. Details on how to apply are below, and there will also be a short talk at the club on 10 June 2009.

      Stuart Meiklejohn

      Volunteer Search and Rescue (SAR) personnel play a key role in Land Search and Rescue in New Zealand. The SAR system owes its success to the high level of cooperation between Police, Clubs and civilians, and the experience and specialised skills of the people involved.

      Wellington Search and Rescue (WLSAR) is an organisation of trained volunteers who can be called upon by the Police to assist in Land Search and Rescue. This can be in an urban, coastal or a bush environment. Tramping Clubs in Wellington have always been strong supporters of Search and Rescue, and they still remain as one of the big contributors of skilled SAR personnel.

      We welcome applications from volunteers to join our organisation. Read on for more information and refer to our website . You can also talk to your club SAR contacts (Wayne Stevens and Paul Andrews) or contact us direct via Simon Wear (Induction Coordinator) 021 142 6149.

      We need members who can provide the following skills:

      You must be available for SAR call-outs and have a mobile phone to receive these on. You will be a front line SAR team member. You must have well developed bushcraft and survival skills. You will provide your own personal equipment (pack, clothing, footwear, torch, compass, etc) and will need email to keep in touch regarding training and other matters.

      As above, but with the additional requirement that you and your dog meet the minimum NZLSAR dog standard. You must be assessed and then reassessed every 12 months).

      Information Technology: WLSAR needs IT assistance and support for the headquarters team. If you are competent with installation and use of computer hardware, databases, GIS, domain administrators, networking and/or with various software packages, then contact us.
      Intel and Planning, Operations, Logistics, and Search Assistants: This is part of the search management team. Training in CIMS, SAR management and theory training will be provided.

      Wellington Land SAR will train SAR first response members in specialised search and rescue skills. First response members are expected to maintain their skill levels by attending training exercises and SAR call-outs. Trainings are paid for by the Police, NZ Land Search and Rescue and Wellington LSAR. We run a Field Training evening and a Head Quarters Training evening each month (on a Thursday) and there are weekend courses available on many topics. Further details are available on our calendar.

      Operational Environment
      SAR is a 24-hour operation. The operational plan allows for 3 shift changes in a 24-hour period. You must be as competent in the bush at night as you are during the day. You also need employers co-operation.

      To apply for membership please use our contact form on our website and select the category “Request to Join Wellington Land SAR”. We have an Induction Programme which includes an overnight and 2 evening sessions. The next Induction is Thursday evening 25 June, Overnight on 27-28 June and Tuesday evening 30 June.

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