Wgtn green belt and Makara area – WCC seeking submissions

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    • #12266 Reply

      For those mountain bikers and people who use Wellington’s green areas to stroll along when they arent out tramping may be interested in these two things that the Wgtn City Council is seeking submissions on.

      The first is about keeping our ridge lines free of houses (hooray!) in Karori at the base of Makara saddle /reserve which I am unsure if it effects or is of interest to any recreation users or makara peak.

      The latter is the draft management plan for the green belt in Wgtn and we use these for daywalks with the club but also as casual users to stretch the legs….South Coast, Makara Peak, Old Coach Road and the Tawa Bush Reserves.

      The plan has a vision to plant natives along the hills’ eastern slopes and complete the Skyline Track along the entire length of the Green Belt.

      You may like to make a personal submission as a recreation user for your support or concerns…as a club we get involved with National Parks areas or places we tramp further afield but as personal users we often forget those areas in our backyard which we like to play in.
      Links are from the hom epage of the WCC website http://www.wcc.govt.nz or

    • #16440 Reply

      hi all

      Ive read this concept plan for this Outer Green Belt – its a really good plan and worthwhile read

      Ive put in a submission to the WCC on behalf of the club in support of the Outer Green Belt but would encourage members to do so also. Ive very easy to make a submission – it can be done online at http://www.wcc.govt.nz

      Its quite important for as many people as possible to make submissions in favour of this plan as i can imagine there will be some pressure to open up some of the Wellington ridge lines for housing etc


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