What a beauty

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    • #13613 Reply
      david scotland

      My personal recommendation for the clarity of the weather this weekend.
      Just remember you would be clinically insane if you didn”t do something in the outdoors this weekend.
      There looks to be a big blocking system of high pressure that s going to park its bum on NZ for the weekend.

    • #17315 Reply

      Yep its the first fine weather at a weekend for about a month and a half

      Even Harry SC Smith is getting out and about this weekend on a cycle trip… miracles do happen!

    • #17318 Reply

      Yep, a great trip.

      But what’s this I hear, Wayne, about you getting the Club bus stuck in a bog and having to call on the help of a local farmer to drag you out with his tractor…?

    • #17320 Reply
      david scotland

      You guys need to step into a boxing ring

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