what does the promotions officer do?

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    • #13721 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      thinking about helping out on the committee but worried this roel is too big or too scary?
      It isnt and depends on how much you want to do….

      1) the front door needs to be manned. You can join in or just ensure there is a roster of people each 3 months to man the door. There is a list of things they need to talk to any new people about so you can show them this and inform them what to do. You round up door help by posting notices on forum, shoulder tapping people or getting up the front – the choice is yours.

      2) We give out intro packs to first timers. Once again Ive pulled together material so all you have to do is order printing or pre printed material from MSC and ensure these get into enevelopes – you can do or get a group before club to stuff every now and again.

      3) A new members night needs to be run once a year. You may have new ideas. If not- Ive got a folder with plans..all you need to do is rally help in club (for some reason getting people to help on stalls isnt a problem). You dont have to speak at teh front if you dont want to…you can find someone else to MC the night. You will need to get notices out on the night and once again a plan exists.

      4) General enquiries to a promotions email 2-3 a month…usually “how do I find out about doing a trip” with a usual reply…come along and meet our team on Wednesday!

      5) Displays?…once again a plan exists..Each sports shop as a permanent poster so nothing needs to be added. You may wish to do a Central Library display..you may wish to do more…its all up to you and what time you want to put to it. Its not required but if you had ideas you have the support to do.

      So its not scary at all…..come and see me if you want to just manage the door, or just coordinate a New Members Night. its all good marketing experience for those wanting something on a CV….or for thos ewho want to build their confidence with dealing with people or get more involved in club – this is a great role!!

      Ive just run out of ideas and Grant & I are constantly reminded by family and friends that we have something else we are meant to be planning and coordinating :-)

      Call me or catch up with me at club if you want to sound the role out! We need this role to ensure we attract new members who are active and come to club/trips and can then go on to help in the runnnig of the club.


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