What’s the latest on taking cookers by air in New Zealand?

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    • #13654 Reply
      Allan Mac

      I vaguely recall a post on this topic some time ago on this forum, but I’ve scrolled back a few months and can’t find it. Has anyone looked in to this recently?


    • #17333 Reply
      Ruth Parnell

      Hi Allan

      I looked back & found the origional discussions, go back to 12-19-02 & 1-30-03.

      There has subsequently been an article by John Rhodes in an FMC Bulliten but I cant recall which one it was, I will look 2nite if I get a chance.


    • #17334 Reply
      Allan Mac

      I found your post, thanks. I’m just checking with a friend who works at Air NZ if the pdf document that’s on the website is still valid.


    • #17335 Reply
      Alasdair Alexander

      After a previous bad experience on Air NZ, I followed the instructions from John Rhodes at Labour Weekend, and was able to take my cooker from Wellington to Auckland using Qanbtas and from Auckland to Wellington using Air NZ.

    • #17336 Reply
      Ruth Parnell

      FMC Bulletin # 151 (April 2003 Pg 28-29) has the article by John Rhodes & includes the form to fill in.


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