What’s up with down?

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    • #14631 Reply
      Mike McGavin


      To date I haven’t done a lot of tramping in genuinely winter climates, but with Snowcraft coming up (which I’m on this year) and whatever comes after it, I’m starting to wonder if I should be thinking about getting some kind of down jacket.

      My current understanding is that they’re most useful at times when you’re not actually moving a lot, such as stopping for a break or at the end of the day and what-not. Are they the sort of thing that’s a necessity, or could I generally get by with a couple of layers of polyprop, polar fleece and/or some kind of wind-stopping gear which I already have?

      And while on the topic, is there anything in particular I should be looking for if I do go shopping for one?

      Thanks for any help.

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